The A — Z of Adult Content on Blockchain
As surprising as it might seem, many gadgets and technologies found their first success in the NSFW space before hitting the mainstream. Did you know that online payment was a norm on NSFW sites long before it made it to e-commerce platforms? VCRs and Polaroid cameras also have a similar backstory — they, too, were pioneered by consumers of the adult entertainment industry. Whenever a new technology comes up that redefines privacy and feasibility, the NSFW industry finds a way to capitalize on it.
Blockchain technology is the emerging and the coolest kid on the block (pun intended), empowering Sugar Ecosystem to revolutionize how NSFW content is consumed around the globe, and establishing a new economy interconnected with our native token $TIP. It redefines privacy and introduces a hassle-free system of finance.
Blockchain Technology and NSFW: A Match Made in Heaven
Sugarbounce plans to venture into the emerging NFSW market by demonstrating how crypto and the blockchain can counter the conventional, centralized business practices. So, it seems they are a match made in heaven. Allow us to delve deeper.
● Blockchain is a respite from the inconvenience banks often pose.
Adult sites and traditional banks have never had a smooth sail. Do you know what’s common between JP Morgan Chase, MasterCard, and The Bank of New York Mellon? Each one of them has rejected wire transfers to an adult entertainment platform at some point. With the application of blockchain, Sugarbounce takes an aim at:
➢ Removing banks from the payment system.
➢ Ensures computation and algorithms mint these currencies, not governments or central banks.
● Blockchain reinforces anonymity and allows irreversible transactions
Raise your hand if you stream adult videos on incognito mode. Let’s face it, be it creating or consuming adult entertainment, it is a personal experience, and we have every right to keep it that way. Sugarbounce once again saves the day, by setting the seal on the anonymity of its patrons. Here’s how:
➢ Transactions in crypto currencies are cryptographically encoded and unique to each owner.
➢ Encryption technology replaces names, signatures, and physical addresses with unique codes.
➢ A server timestamps transactions to identify them, thereby removing the need for identifying physical clients behind the transaction orders.
➢ No chargebacks as transactions made with crypto currencies are irreversible.
How is Blockchain Decentralization Movement Benefitting the Adult Entertainment Industry?
The blockchain decentralization movement is making way for adult entertainers and businesses to embrace more freedom so that artists are less likely to be exploited by “big moguls.” Therefore, the Sugarbouce Ecosystem endeavors to:
● Increase the Compensation of Adult Entertainers
With the banks and their intermediaries gone, entertainers receive payments seamlessly and low transaction costs of crypto currencies allow artists to enjoy better compensation.
● Reduce the Cost of Streaming Videos
Lower transaction costs reflect on the subscription fees of our platform, consequently offering better deals to our patrons.
● Blockchain Warrants Fraud-free Transactions
It is infeasible to validate a fraudulent transaction on the Blockchain as one needs to employ high-cost computational power to make it happen.
Tackling Industrial Monopolization with Sugarbounce
Creators are at the heart of adult entertainment, but do they get the compensation worth their efforts? You might be surprised to know that former adult artist Mia Khalifa made as little as $12000 over the span of her entire career, while millions of dollars generated in ad revenue are derived solely by the websites hosting her content.
Such stories of inequity are not unheard of in the industry. What’s more, creators seldom get royalties from sites that continue to display their content. Therefore, SugarBounce seeks to embrace decentralization and warrant an equitable distribution of resources.
For Creators:
● Creators receive assured payments in crypto or fiat currencies anonymously.
● Creators keep 90% of the subscription fees that customers pay.
● The platform charges no cuts from the tips creators make from private sessions.
● Creators also receive a percentage of the ad revenues their streams generate.
● Creators can mint NFTs of their content to generate more revenues and royalties.
For Users:
● Users can enjoy exclusive and personalized content at half the price they pay on a regular site using the governance crypto token $TIP.
● SugarBounce is all about storage security and data encryption. Users can enjoy their favorite content without fearing possible identity theft or falling victim to credit card fraud.
● SugarBounce employs ‘Payment Channels,’ allowing users to make a single blockchain transaction for multiple services, therefore, reducing the overall cost.
● Creates a revolutionary marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade adult art in the form of NFTs.
To Wrap Things Up
SugarBounce is creating a lucrative and supportive environment for young businesses and artists to grow. By leveraging the power of the Blockchain, SugarBounce offers simple, seamless 360-degree solutions to users and creators.
These include top-notch privacy and data security, not to mention a hassle-free payment structure. We aim to be a highly profitable business model for adult artists and an affordable entertainment channel for consumers.
Isn’t that reason enough for you to join the platform? So, why not hurry up!